European Employment Law Cases

Case Reports

2016/2 Transfer of undertaking requires overall assessment (DK)

Trefwoorden transfer of undertakings
Auteurs Mariann Norrbom

Mariann Norrbom
Mariann Norrbom is a partner of Norrbom Vinding, Copenhagen,
  • Samenvatting

      The Danish Supreme Court recently affirmed that the transfer of a canteen contract to another operator following a tender process did not fall within the scope of the Danish Transfer of Undertakings Act.
      The Danish Transfer of Undertakings Act applies to the transfer of an undertaking or part of an undertaking, meaning an economic entity which retains its identity. In the test of whether a transfer is a transfer within the meaning of the Act, an overall assessment of all facts surrounding the transfer must be made. This was the issue in this case before the Supreme Court.

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