Tijdschrift voor Civiele Rechtspleging


About provisional measures in the Brussels I Regulation

Trefwoorden Brussels I-regulation, Art. 31, Provisional, including protective, measures, Conditions
Auteurs Prof. dr. M.M.G.G. Traest

Prof. dr. M.M.G.G. Traest
Prof. dr. M. Traest is référendaire at the Belgian Cour de cassation and guest lecturer at the University of Antwerp and lecturer at the Royal Military Academy (Brussels).
  • Samenvatting

      This contribution analyses article 31 of the Brussels I Regulation that allows the courts of the Member States to order provisional, including protective, measures as may be available under the law of that State. The text gives an overview of the current conditions for the application of that provision and also discusses a prospective modification of article 31 of the Brussels I Regulation.

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