Arbeidsrechtelijke Annotaties


Of Crosses and Homophobia

The European Court of Human Rights on which Manifestations of Religion One May Bring to Work

Trefwoorden freedom of religion, Christian cross, Eweida, equality, same-sex partnerships, European Court of Human Rights
Auteurs J.D. Temperman

J.D. Temperman
Mr. dr. J.D. Temperman is assistant professor of public international law and EUR-Fellow, Erasmus University Rotterdam.
  • Samenvatting

      To what extent must employers accommodate manifestations of religion within the workspace and what should be the role of the state in that respect? In the joint case of Eweida and others the European Court of Human Rights discusses this question from four different angles as urged on by four different complaints. Two complaints concern the banning of Christian crosses, either for reasons of protecting the corporate image of a private company, or for reasons of health and safety within a care institution. The remaining complaints concern employers that, through their equal rights policies, notably equality on grounds of sexual orientation, may effectively force employees to act contrary to the religious dictates of their conscience.

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