Tijdschrift voor Forensische Psychiatrie en Psychologie


‘Laat mij maar gewoon doorgaan’

Over nazorg in de eerste uren na een incident

Trefwoorden professioneel welzijn, nazorg, trauma, incidenten, Tetris
Auteurs Nienke Verstegen, Rogier ter Hall en Vivienne de Vogel

Nienke Verstegen
Dr. Nienke Verstegen is onderzoeker bij De Forensische Zorgspecialisten en universitair docent aan de Universiteit Utrecht.

Rogier ter Hall
Rogier ter Hall is coördinator Kwaliteit, Arbo & Veiligheid bij de gemeente Utrecht.

Vivienne de Vogel
Prof. dr. Vivienne de Vogel is bijzonder hoogleraar Forensische Zorg aan de Universiteit Maastricht, lector Werken in Justitieel Kader aan de Hogeschool Utrecht en onderzoeker in de Van der Hoeven Kliniek, de Forensische Zorgspecialisten, Utrecht.
  • Samenvatting

      Forensic mental health professionals are often confronted with potentially traumatic events, such as aggressive or self-harming behaviour of clients. Therefore, adequate preventive policies are important. This includes the aftercare that is provided in the first hours after a potentially traumatic event occurred. Recent studies pointed out that playing the computer game Tetris shortly after exposure to a potentially traumatic event may lead to fewer intrusive memories. Based on these insights, the peer support team of De Forensische Zorgspecialisten developed a toolbox, including the game Tetris, to promote selfcare in the first hours after a potentially traumatic event occurred. In this paper, we describe the experience of four professionals with the toolbox. These professionals point out that it is not self-evident to find time for recovery in the first hours after an incident. ‘Just let me get on with my job’ is a frequently heard phrase. The stimulation of colleagues is needed to use the toolbox and take time for selfcare. Playing Tetris – or engaging in other activities such as going out for a walk or playing a board game with colleagues – can help to release tension and gain a better idea of what is needed for recovery. Existing guidelines point at the responsibility individual professionals have to unwind after being exposed to potentially traumatic events. The experience from clinicians that are described in this article demonstrate that this is not solely the responsibility of individual employees. It can be difficult for professionals to find time to unwind after potentially traumatic events have occurred. This means that organizations have an important task to motivate their employees to devote attention to recovery during work.

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