Crimmigratie & Recht


De randen van het bestuursrecht

Over isolerende strafmaatregelen in vreemdelingenbewaring en effectieve rechtsbescherming

Trefwoorden Immigration detention, Isolation, Punitive measures, Access to legal protection
Auteurs Femke Zeven

Femke Zeven
Mr. F. Zeven is jurist bij Bureau Clara Wichmann, dat strategische rechtszaken voert voor gendergelijkheid.
  • Samenvatting

      Migrants who must leave the Netherlands are often detained in Dutch detention centers before their expulsion. Migrant detainees fall under the same criminal laws and authorities as persons incarcerated under Dutch criminal law. This means that migrants can be put in isolation cells, for example for refusing a shared room. This article describes the circumstances in the detention centers, and it makes an analysis of European and Dutch case law on the treatment of migrant detainees, specifically in cases of isolation. Considering articles 3, 5 and 8 ECHR and article 47 of the EU CFR, this is problematic, and access to legal protection seems to be too limited for migrant detainees. The article concludes by stating the necessity for a new legal framework, and for more substantive judicial reviews in cases of the isolation of migrant detainees.

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