Crimmigratie & Recht


Het rechtencurriculum als katalysator voor een inclusieve samenleving

Een proeve van ‘systeemkritiek’

Trefwoorden uitsluiting, democratie, rechtencurriculum, perspectieven, twijfel
Auteurs Martine Beijerman

Martine Beijerman
Dr. mr. M. Beijerman (LLM) is onafhankelijk onderzoeker, woonachtig in de Verenigde Staten en auteur van Vreemde eenden. Op zoek naar gelijkheid in een wereld vol anderen (Podium 2021).
  • Samenvatting

      Students in law school learn to understand the legal system, rulings, and laws. Teachers emphasize the importance of legal principles and democratic values such as freedom and equality. However, at the same time, the society in which the aspiring lawyers will work is often built on structures of inequality, exclusion, and injustice. Law schools have the opportunity and the moral responsibility to make their students aware of the inevitable gap between ideals and the application of laws that facilitate or sustain social injustice. To this end, some reflection on the human tendency to bias and moral overestimation is a necessary first step. This reflection paves the way for the introduction of different theoretical perspectives on justice and injustice within the legal curriculum. Students learn to question and to reconsider dominant assumptions and points of view. These skills are fundamental to develop into lawyers who not only enforce the laws as they exist today but also consider how those laws may or may not be contributing to the preservation of democratic values in our society.

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