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Criminal Regulation of AI Systems: A Primer

Trefwoorden artificial intelligence, new technologies, AI & law, bad robots, liability gaps
Auteurs A. (Alice) Giannini LLM

A. (Alice) Giannini LLM
Alice Giannini is a Joint PhD Candidate in Criminal Law at the University of Florence and at the University of Maastricht. The supervisors of her PhD research are prof. Michele Papa (Full Professor of Criminal Law, University of Florence) and prof. André Klip (Full Professor of Criminal Law, Criminal Procedure and the Transnational Aspects of Criminal Law, Maastricht University).
  • Samenvatting

      The idea of artificially intelligent systems committing crimes is by no means new. ‘Bad robots’ that rebel against humans have been the subject of science fiction for decades. Nowadays, AI has indeed penetrated our lives, and is here to stay. In this perspective, AI works as a stress test for classical criminal law constructs such as the concept of act and culpability. It is in this perspective that the question of ascribing criminal liability for ‘AIs going bad’ takes on relevance.

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