Nederlands-Vlaams tijdschrift voor mediation en conflictmanagement


Ruim baan voor co-mediation

Trefwoorden co-mediation, peer review, supervision, methods of co-mediation
Auteurs Drs. Lisette van der Lans en Drs. Anneke van Teijlingen

Drs. Lisette van der Lans
Drs. Lisette van der Lans is MfN-registermediator.

Drs. Anneke van Teijlingen
Drs. Anneke van Teijlingen is MfN-registermediator.
  • Samenvatting

      How to make co-mediation to a success. About managing expectations, securing confidentiality and clarifying the role of the mediator and co-mediator to everybody involved. Many very good examples of co-mediation can be found in neighbourhood mediation, cross border mediation in child obduction cases, mediation in local government and in a normal, general mediation office.
      Reasons to choose for co-mediation are:

      • four eyes see more than two;

      • you can give each other feedback;

      • a starting mediator can gain experience without any risk for the client;

      • when emotions get high, parties can be split up.

      Reasons not to choose for co-mediation are:
      • lower revenues for the mediator;

      • problems with planning.

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