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Tijdschrift voor Criminologie


‘Ge moet daar in gezeten hebben om dat te begrijpen’

Onderzoek naar de ervaringen van leden van de assisenjury in België

Trefwoorden juryrechtspraak, hof van assisen, vertrouwen, België
Auteurs Ward Noelmans en Prof. dr. Kristel Beyens

Ward Noelmans
W. Noelmans is master in de criminologie,

Prof. dr. Kristel Beyens
Prof. dr. K. Beyens is hoofddocent aan de vakgroep Criminologie van de Vrije Universiteit Brussel,
  • Samenvatting

      Since the last years there is extensive ongoing debate in Belgium about jury trials at the Assize Court. These trials are an example of direct participation of citizens in the criminal justice system. Hence this jury has obtained a special position in the Belgian administration of justice. Jury deliberations behind closed doors and the isolation of jury members from the outside world contribute to the fascination for this legal phenomenon. The element of secrecy also explains why there is so little empirical research on the jury’s functioning and the jurors’ experiences during the process. By means of interviews with former jury members, we studied the influence of lay participation in a jury trial on their views and confidence in jury decision making. We found that a positive evaluation of participation in a jury may strengthen their involvement with and trust in jury decision making. However, our research also reveals that jury trials may lead to some unacceptable deficits in the proceedings and outcome of the process. These results are contextualised in the broader debate about the jury and the demand for reform of the assize court proceedings.

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