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Femicide en femicidebeleid

Een terreinverkenning

Trefwoorden femicide, vrouwenmoord, gendersensitief beleid, gendergerelateerd geweld
Auteurs Anouk Alberts en Martina Althoff

Anouk Alberts
Mr. Anouk Alberts is pas afgestudeerd aan de master Rechtswetenschappelijk onderzoek aan de Rijksuniversiteit Groningen. Zij schreef dit artikel in de functie van student-assistent.

Martina Althoff
Dr. Martina Althoff is universitair hoofddocent criminologie aan de Rijksuniversiteit Groningen.
  • Samenvatting

      In this article, the authors examine the extent to which the Netherlands has a ‘femicide problem’ that requires specific policies. Based on an analysis of definitions of femicide, the phenomenon appears to lack a clear description. This lack of clarity affects the data on femicide, which consequently seem to involve different types of violence and are misinterpreted by Dutch media. The authors note that the Netherlands already has policies on these different forms of gender violence, making specific policies on femicide seem unnecessary. Although femicide is a serious problem, the authors conclude that specific policies do not currently seem to contribute to making femicide more visible and less urgent.

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