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Emotiewerk in de reclasseringspraktijk

‘Er gebeurt van binnen van alles, maar dat probeer ik niet te laten zien’

Trefwoorden reclasseringswerk, emotionele uitingen, emotional labour
Auteurs Marie-José Geenen en Karlijn Duin

Marie-José Geenen
Dr. Marie-José Geenen was tot voor kort hoofddocent bij de Master Forensisch Sociale Professional en is onderzoeker bij het lectoraat Werken in justitieel kader aan de Hogeschool Utrecht.

Karlijn Duin
Karlijn Duin, MSW is adviseur, toezichthouder en Top600 regisseur bij Reclassering Inforsa Amsterdam.
  • Samenvatting

      In the performance of their work, probation officers are confronted with the emotions of clients and with their own emotions. We asked fifteen probation officers which emotions they encounter in their work, how they express emotions in the interaction with their clients and what they need to maintain their resilience despite the emotional burden of their work. The emotions they experience range from caring, pride, passion to indignation, irritation and disgust. Probation officers realize that expressing emotions is not always desirable in the light of building a working alliance and working on recidivism reduction and reintegration. By means of surface acting and deep acting (Hochschild, 1983) they find their way in sometimes hiding and sometimes feigning emotions. Probation officers indicate that they need space to let off steam and on the other hand the opportunity to reflect with colleagues about what can and cannot be expressed in contact with their clients.

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