Justitiële verkenningen


Predictive policing: politiewerk aan de hand van voorspellingen

Trefwoorden predictive policing, prescriptive policing, Big Data, risks, legal safeguards
Auteurs Ir. A. de Vries en Dr. S. Smit

Ir. A. de Vries
Ir. Arnout de Vries is senior onderzoeker en adviseur op het gebied van social media en veiligheid bij TNO en auteur van het boek Social media: het nieuwe DNA.

Dr. S. Smit
Dr. Selmar Smit is aan de Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam gepromoveerd op het onderwerp machine learning en sindsdien werkzaam als data scientist bij TNO.
  • Samenvatting

      Law enforcement around the world, including the Netherlands, is currently experimenting with predictive policing: policing based on crime predictions. Big Data on past crimes and the help of sophisticated machine learning enable police to use reliable predictions about when and where the next offense will take place. If the effectiveness of policing actions is stored in the system, it can also predict which intervention is most effective. This is called prescriptive policing. The authors explain how these methods work, how reliable and effective they are and which associated risks can be identified. The authors emphasize that legal, ethical and organizational safeguards are necessary for a responsible implementation.

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