Justitiële verkenningen


Voorbij goed en kwaad

Het mensbeeld achter ‘zinloos geweld’ in de literatuur en filosofie

Trefwoorden meaningless violence, acte gratuit, nihilism, literature, philosophy
Auteurs J.L. Goedegebuure

J.L. Goedegebuure
Prof. dr. Jaap Goedegebuure is als emeritus hoogleraar Moderne Nederlandse Letterkunde verbonden aan het Leiden University Centre for the Arts in Society.
  • Samenvatting

      This essay focuses on the parallels between the recently coined phrase ‘meaningless violence’ and the literary theme of the ‘acte gratuit’, developed by the French modernist author André Gide, but also represented in the novels of Dostojewski, Camus and Arnon Grunberg. From a philosophical perspective the acte gratuit can be connected with Nietzsche’s ‘Wille zur Macht’, but also with Bataille’s interpretation of violence as an expression of the will to break taboos and exceed the borders between the profane and the sacred.

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