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Duo-moederschap in Nederland vanuit juridisch en ontwikkelingspsychologisch perspectief
Machteld Vonk, Henny Bos
Gepubliceerd op 01-08-2012


Juridisch > Personen- en familierecht

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Machteld Vonk
Machteld Vonk studied law between 1998 and 2002 at the University of Amsterdam. Following this, she began her PhD at the Molengraaff Institute for Private Law of Utrecht University, under the supervision of Prof. K. Boele-Woelki. Her research looked at the legal relationship between children and non-biological parents from a comparative perspective. In December 2007, she defended her PhD dissertation ‘Children and their parents’ (Intersentia; 2007). From January 2008 until July 2012, she was employed at the Molengraaff Institute as a lecturer/researcher on family law and comparative law. Since 1st July 2012, she has worked in the department of child law of Leiden University as a lecturer/researcher on child law.
Henny Bos
Henny Bos works as a lecturer at the University of Amsterdam (the department of child development and education and teacher training). Her research concerns gay and lesbian parenthood. She has established a Dutch longitudinal study on this research area, and also participates in an American longitudinal study concerning this subject. From February until the end of June 2012, she was a visiting scholar at the Williams Institute (University of California in Los Angeles).

Citaties in dit artikel

Development of IVF children
Developmental Review, 1998